Thanks for checking out the blog. I decided to create a blog solely to talk about the process and progress of our house. I don’t like to post to Facebook too much and when posting about the house it either gets lengthy or the post doesn’t do it justice. We have so many people that ask us about it and while we try to show them and explain what weve all done, it gets hard and we are asked ALOT. I figured this would be the best way to show people who are interested in what we have been up to! DISCLAIMER* because apparently you have to put these in here. Guys, I am not contractor, not an electrician or a plumber. Im just a crazy lady who thought buying a run-down house and remodeling it with her boyfriend would be a good idea, all while starting new jobs, going to school, having a baby and living in a tiny house. (Everybody laugh with me and take a big ole slug from the wine bottle) The things you’ll see here are just things that we’ve done and how we accomplished them. I can give you advice, but when in doubt, always ask a professional! Besides, they probably have much easier/faster ways of doing things. That being said, if you are a professional reading this, please be nice! I’m sure there are different ways to do things but these are the way we chose to do them and its {seemingly} worked out for us. Enjoy checking out our progress, ask away any questions you might have, and keep checking back for the finished product!